
Technical Specifications


Rules and mechanics

Artwork and user interface

Gameplay and balance

Music and sound

Background story



Artificial Intelligence


6.1 Human Characters
6.1.1 Zephyr McGavin
The main protagonist. He’s a zoologist who got his PhD at Harvard. He’s traveled the world studying all the different types of animals and also happens to have extensive combat training from his days in the military. Fresh from his one-year expedition at Borneo, he had been called in to do some research at UCSD on the effect of gamma rays on mice before he was sent to investigate the incident at the zoo.

6.1.2 Victim
These NPCs will be the helpless citizens who can’t defend themselves from the mutant animals.

6.2 Animals/Enemies
6.2.1 HegdeRat
A hedgehog-rat hybrid animal. It will have the basic body shape of a rat but it will be about as big as a hedgehog. These creatures will be quick and hard to hit but getting one good strike in will take it down.

6.2.2 Hawke
A combination of a hawk and a snake. It with be a flying animal with the wings and talons of a hawk but it will have a snake’s tail that will hang down. This creature will want to hang back until it sees an opportunity to attack and then swoop down to do some quick damage. It has fairly good range since it can also do damage with its snake tail.

6.2.3 Turtear
A mix between a giant turtle and a bear. It will have the body of a bear with the shell of a turtle on its back. This combination of characteristics will cause it to be very powerful along with having high defenses to defend against attacks. A disadvantage it has is that is has to be at a close range in order for its attacks to connect.

6.2.4 Tarkion
A special animal hybrid that fused together from three different animals. It’s a combination between a tiger, shark, and a scorpion. It is extremely ferocious and has the high attack power of all three animals it’s made up of. It has the speed of a tiger, the hard exoskeleton of a scorpion, and the killer instinct of a shark.

6.2.5 Whaguana
A hybrid between a blue whale and an iguana. It with have the body and size of a whale except that its tail will extend out a long ways like an iguana’s would. Also, it would have 4 iguana-like legs and feet so it could travel on land. Although it’s extremely slow, it will be very powerful and difficult to defeat. Since it has the long iguana tail it can attack the player from long ranges and also shoot a high-powered jet of water at the player.

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